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Since completing her PhD in 2015, Dr Waling has published over 70 publications. These include peer-reviewed publications including books, journal articles, book chapters, and book chapters. These also include numerous technical research reports, book reviews, media articles, and commentary pieces across the disciplines of sociology, gender and sexuality studies, criminology, education, and public health.

Please feel free to get in touch if you'd like a copy of any publication!


White Masculinity in Contemporary Australia: The Good Ol’ Aussie Bloke

Routledge Press



'Please teach students that sex is a healthy part of growing up.': Australian students’ desires for sexuality and relationships education.

Sexuality Research & Social Policy

Journal Article


Conceptualising the continuum of female genital fashioning practices.

Health Sociology Review

Journal Article


Health, well-being, and social support in older lesbian women and gay men who are caregivers

Health and Social Care in the Community

Journal Article


Mental health and identity adjustment in older lesbian and gay adults: Assessing the role of whether their parents knew about their sexual orientation

Aging and Mental Health

Journal Article


New technologies are changing sex, intimacy and health

Health Sociology Review



Older lesbian and gay adults’ perceptions of barriers and facilitators to accessing health and aged care services in Australia

Health and Social Care in the Community

Journal Article


Online sex parties and virtual reality porn: can sex in isolation be as fulfilling as real life

The Conversation

Media Article


Prevalence rates of sexual behaviours, condom use and contraction among Australian heterosexual adolescents

Journal of Sexual Medicine

Journal Article


Recruiting stigmatised populations and managing negative commentary via social media: A case study of recruiting older LGBTI research participants in Australia

International Journal of Social Research Methodology

Journal Article


Regarder du porno est-il mauvais pour la santé ? Cinq experts répondent.

The Conversation

Media Article


School-based relationship and sexuality education: What has changed since the release of the Australian curriculum?

Sex Education

Journal Article

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