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Since completing her PhD in 2015, Dr Waling has published over 70 publications. These include peer-reviewed publications including books, journal articles, book chapters, and book chapters. These also include numerous technical research reports, book reviews, media articles, and commentary pieces across the disciplines of sociology, gender and sexuality studies, criminology, education, and public health.

Please feel free to get in touch if you'd like a copy of any publication!


Lean on Me: Exploring Suicide Prevention and Mental Health-Related Peer Support in Melbourne's LGBTQ Communities

ARCSHS Monograph



Making epistemic citizens: Young people and the search for reliable and credible sexual health information

Social Science and Medicine

Journal Article


Male strippers in popular film: Representations when disrobed

Handbook of Male Sex Work

Book Chapter


Older lesbian and gay men’s perceptions on
lesbian and gay youth in Australia.

Culture, Health & Sexuality

Journal Article


Predictors of loneliness among older lesbian and gay people

Journal of Homosexuality

Journal Article


Reflecting on life then and now: The life courses of older lesbian women and gay men in Australia

Sexuality Research and Social Policy

Journal Article


Risk and Protective Factors for the Development of Gambling-Related Harms and Problems among Australian Sexual Minority Men

BMC Psychology

Journal Article


The One: could DNA tests find our soulmate? We study sex and sexuality — and think the idea is ridiculous

The Conversation

Media Article


The experiences of lesbian, gay and bisexual people accessing mental health crisis support helplines in Australia

Psychology and Sexuality

Journal Article


The “be all and end all”?’: Young people, online sexual health information, science and skepticism

Qualitative Health Research

Journal Article


Trans and Gender-Diverse peoples’ experiences of crisis helpline services

Health and Social Care in the Community

Journal Article


'It’s kinda bad, honestly.”: Australian students experiences of relationships and sexuality education

Health Education Research

Journal Article

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